Last updated: 25 September, 2013


The Oracle public yum server offers a free and convenient way to install the latest packages as well as packages from the installation media via a yum client.

You can download the full Oracle Linux and Oracle VM installation media via . To stay current on errata updates, you may wish to subscribe to .

This yum server is offered without support of any kind. If you require support, please consider purchasing via the , or via your sales representative.

Getting Started

  1. Download and copy the appropriate yum configuration file in place, by running the following commands as root:

    Oracle Linux 4, Update 6 or Newer

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d# mv Oracle-Base.repo Oracle-Base.repo.disabled# wget

    Oracle Linux 5

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d# wget

    Oracle Linux 6

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d# wget

    Oracle VM 2

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d# wget
  2. Enable the appropriate repository by editing the yum configuration file

    • Open the yum configuration file in a text editor

    • Locate the section in the file for the repository you plan to update from, e.g. [el4_u6_base]

    • Change enabled=0 to enabled=1

  3. Begin using yum, for example:

    yum list

    yum install firefox

You may be prompted to confirm the import of the Oracle OSS Group GPG key.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn more about Oracle Linux?

A: You can read a summary of features and specifications . Additional technical information about Oracle Linux is available on .

Where can I learn more about Oracle Linux Support?

A: You can read more about Oracle Linux Support at , For white papers, data sheets, FAQs and other technical information, see the

Where can I learn more about Oracle VM?

A: You can read more about Oracle VM . For technical information about Oracle VM, see the

Where can I find the source code for these binaries?

A: This yum server offers source packages as well as binary packages. We also provide the source packages for , , and on , Oracle's portal for all of its free and open source software contributions.

Where can I get help getting this yum repository to work?

A: This yum server is provided for free and without support. You may use the , where other users are ready and willing to help.

Where can I learn more about yum?

A: There are several resources available on the the Web. Here is an overview of

How can I be notified of Oracle Linux Errata?

A: To subscribe to Oracle Linux errata notifications via email, . You can also stay on top of Oracle Linux errata via Twitter:

How can I use public-yum to update Oracle VM 3 Server?

A: To update Oracle VM Server using public-yum use as YUM Base URL and as YUM GPG Key in Oracle VM Manager. For details please refer to in the Oracle VM User's Guide.

How can I convert an RHEL or RHEL-compatible system to Oracle Linux using public-yum?

A: Download and verify the Oracle Linux GPG Key that best matches your RHEL-compatible release and then follow the "Getting Started" instructions above.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, Update 6 or Compatible

# wget -O /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle# gpg --quiet --with-fingerprint /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-oraclepub  1024D/B38A8516 2006-09-05 Oracle OSS group (Open Source Software group)      Key fingerprint = 1122 A29A B257 825F 322C  234E 2E2B CDBC B38A 8516sub  2048g/0042D4F4 2006-09-05 [expires: 2011-09-04]>

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or Compatible

# wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle# gpg --quiet --with-fingerprint /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oraclepub  1024D/1E5E0159 2007-05-18 Oracle OSS group (Open Source Software group)       Key fingerprint = 99FD 2766 28EE DECB 5E5A  F5F8 66CE D3DE 1E5E 0159sub  1024g/D303656F 2007-05-18 [expires: 2015-05-16]>

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or Compatible

# wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oraclepub  2048R/EC551F03 2010-07-01 Oracle OSS group (Open Source Software group)       Key fingerprint = 4214 4123 FECF C55B 9086  313D 72F9 7B74 EC55>

Browse the Repositories

Name Last Modified Size
[DIR] 22-Sep-2013 16:48 -
[DIR] 05-Dec-2013 21:14 -
<img src="" 26-Oct-2006 23:50 1.7 K
<img src="" 11-Nov-2007 14:01 1.4 K
<img src="" 05-Feb-2011 06:07 1.0 K
<img src="" 19-Jul-2013 17:28 1.2 K
<img src="" 11-Nov-2013 19:05 4.4 K
<img src="" 24-Nov-2013 20:58 4.1 K
unknown.gif 19-Jul-2013 17:28 1.4 K